SSGOI Troubleshooting Guide: Debugging Your Way to Smooth Transitions 🕵️‍♂️🔧

Even the smoothest transitions can hit a bump sometimes. Fear not, intrepid developer! This guide will help you troubleshoot common SSGOI issues faster than you can say “page transition”!

Table of Contents

Transitions Not Working


Your pages change, but there’s no smooth transition between them.

Possible Causes and Solutions

  1. SSGOI not properly set up in the layout

    Check your main layout file (usually __layout.svelte):

    import { Ssgoi } from 'ssgoi';
    import { onNavigate } from '$app/navigation';
    import config from './transitionConfig';
    <Ssgoi {onNavigate} {config}>
      <slot />
  2. Missing PageTransition component

    Ensure each page is wrapped with the PageTransition component:

    import { PageTransition } from 'ssgoi';
      <!-- Your page content here -->
  3. Incorrect configuration

    Double-check your transition config:

    const config = createTransitionConfig({
      transitions: [
          from: '*',
          to: '*',
          transitions: transitions.fade()
      defaultTransition: transitions.fade()

Jerky or Stuttering Transitions


Transitions are working but they’re not smooth.

Possible Causes and Solutions

  1. Using non-GPU-accelerated properties

    Stick to transform and opacity for smooth animations:

    const smoothTransition = () => ({
      duration: 300,
      css: (t) => `
        transform: translateX(${100 - t * 100}%);
        opacity: ${t};
  2. Transition duration too long

    Try reducing the duration:

    transitions.fade({ duration: 150 }) // Faster transition
  3. Heavy page content

    Optimize your page load:

    • Lazy load images and heavy components
    • Minimize JavaScript bundles
    • Use code splitting

Incorrect Transition Applied


Transitions are working, but not the ones you expected.

Possible Causes and Solutions

  1. Route matching issues

    Check your transition rules order and specificity:

    const config = createTransitionConfig({
      transitions: [
          from: '/blog/*',
          to: '/blog/*',
          transitions: transitions.slide()
          from: '*',
          to: '*',
          transitions: transitions.fade()
      defaultTransition: transitions.fade()

    More specific rules should come first.

  2. Symmetric transition misunderstanding

    If you’re using “, remember it applies the transition both ways:

      from: '/home',
      to: '/about',
      transitions: transitions.slide(),
        // This will slide both ways

Hero Transitions Not Working


Regular transitions work, but hero transitions aren’t smooth or don’t work at all.

Possible Causes and Solutions

  1. Mismatched keys

    Ensure the key prop matches exactly on both pages:

    <!-- Page 1 -->
    <Hero key="product-1">...</Hero>
    <!-- Page 2 -->
    <Hero key="product-1">...</Hero>
  2. Content mismatch

    The content inside the Hero components should be similar for smooth transitions:

    <!-- Page 1 -->
    <Hero key="product-1">
      <img src="/product-1.jpg" alt="Product 1" />
    <!-- Page 2 -->
    <Hero key="product-1">
      <img src="/product-1-large.jpg" alt="Product 1" />
  3. Page transition interfering

    Disable page transitions for routes with hero transitions:

      from: '/products',
      to: '/product/*',
      transitions: transitions.none()

Performance Issues


Transitions are smooth on your dev machine but sluggish on other devices.

Possible Causes and Solutions

  1. Too many animated elements

    Reduce the number of elements being transitioned:

    <Hero key="main-content">
      <!-- Only animate the main content, not every small detail -->
  2. Complex CSS transitions

    Simplify your transitions:

    // Instead of this
    css: (t) => `
      transform: translateX(${t * 100}px) rotate(${t * 360}deg) scale(${t});
      opacity: ${t};
      box-shadow: 0 ${t * 10}px ${t * 20}px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
    // Try this
    css: (t) => `
      transform: translateX(${t * 100}px);
      opacity: ${t};
  3. Large images or assets

    Optimize your assets:

    • Use appropriate image sizes
    • Compress images
    • Consider using WebP format

TypeScript Errors


You’re getting TypeScript errors related to SSGOI.

Possible Causes and Solutions

  1. Outdated type definitions

    Update SSGOI to the latest version:

    npm update ssgoi
  2. Incorrect import statements

    Ensure you’re importing from ‘ssgoi’:

    import { Ssgoi, PageTransition, createTransitionConfig, transitions } from 'ssgoi';
  3. Mismatched types

    Check that your transition config matches the expected type:

    const config: TransitionConfigInput = {
      transitions: [
        // ... your transitions
      defaultTransition: transitions.fade()

Remember, troubleshooting is an art form. If you’re still stuck after trying these solutions, don’t hesitate to check the SSGOI documentation or reach out to the community. Happy debugging, and may your transitions always be smooth! 🚀🔧