SSGOI Performance Optimization: Smooth as Butter, Light as a Feather 🧈🪶

Want your transitions to be smoother than a freshly waxed slide? Let’s optimize SSGOI for peak performance!

The Performance Pillars 🏛️

  1. Efficient animations
  2. Minimal DOM manipulation
  3. Smart asset management
  4. Proper configuration

Let’s dive into each of these!

1. Efficient Animations: The Need for Speed 🏎️

Use GPU-accelerated properties

Stick to these properties for the smoothest animations:

  • transform
  • opacity
const smoothTransition = () => ({
  in: (node, params) => ({
    duration: 300,
    css: (t) => `
      transform: translateX(${100 - t * 100}%);
      opacity: ${t};

Avoid properties that trigger layout recalculation like width, height, top, or left.

Keep it Simple

Complex animations can be cool, but they can also be costly. Aim for simplicity:

// Good 👍
const simpleTransition = transitions.fade({ duration: 300 });

// Potentially Costly 👎
const complexTransition = transitions.combine(
  transitions.rotate({ duration: 500 }),
  transitions.scale({ duration: 500 }),
  transitions.blur({ duration: 500 })

2. Minimal DOM Manipulation: Less is More 🧘‍♀️

Use will-change

Tell the browser what’s going to change:

const optimizedTransition = () => ({
  in: (node, params) => { = 'transform, opacity';
    return {
      duration: 300,
      css: (t) => `
        transform: translateX(${100 - t * 100}%);
        opacity: ${t};
      tick: (t, u) => {
        if (t === 1) = 'auto';

Remember to reset will-change after the transition to avoid unnecessary memory usage.

Avoid Forced Synchronous Layouts

Don’t read layout properties and then immediately change them:

// Bad 👎
const badTransition = (node, params) => {
  const height = node.offsetHeight; // Forces layout = `${height * 2}px`; // Triggers another layout

// Good 👍
const goodTransition = (node, params) => {
  requestAnimationFrame(() => {
    const height = node.offsetHeight; = `${height * 2}px`;

3. Smart Asset Management: Lightening the Load 🏋️‍♂️

Preload Critical Resources

Use the preloadCode function to load the next page’s JavaScript:

import { preloadCode } from 'ssgoi';

// In your component
onMount(() => {

Optimize Images

For hero transitions involving images, ensure they’re optimized:

  1. Use appropriate sizes
  2. Choose the right format (WebP for broad support)
  3. Implement lazy loading for images below the fold
<img src="optimized-image.webp" loading="lazy" alt="Description" />

4. Proper Configuration: The Right Tool for the Job 🔧

Use Appropriate Transition Duration

Shorter durations often feel snappier:

const snappyConfig = createTransitionConfig({
  transitions: [
      from: '*',
      to: '*',
      transitions: transitions.fade({ duration: 150 }) // Quick and smooth

Implement Progressive Enhancement

Provide a fallback for browsers that don’t support certain features:

const progressiveTransition = () => {
  if (!window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)').matches) {
    return transitions.none(); // No transition for users who prefer reduced motion
  return transitions.fade();

Performance Monitoring: Keeping Score 📊

Use Browser DevTools

  1. Open your browser’s DevTools
  2. Go to the Performance tab
  3. Record while performing transitions
  4. Analyze for long tasks, layout thrashing, or excessive style recalculations

Implement Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Consider using tools like Google Analytics or custom timing APIs to measure real-world performance:

// Measure transition duration
const start =;
// ... perform transition ...
const duration = - start;
console.log(`Transition took ${duration}ms`);

The Optimization Checklist ✅

Before shipping, ensure you’ve considered:

  • Using GPU-accelerated properties
  • Keeping animations simple and purposeful
  • Minimizing DOM manipulation
  • Preloading critical resources
  • Optimizing assets (especially images)
  • Configuring appropriate transition durations
  • Implementing progressive enhancement
  • Monitoring performance in real-world scenarios

Remember, performance optimization is an ongoing process. Keep testing, keep measuring, and keep refining. Your users will thank you with smooth, joyful interactions! 🚀✨