Configuring SSGOI Transitions: Mastering the Art of Smooth Navigation 🎨

Ready to take your SSGOI transitions to the next level? Let’s dive into the details of configuring transitions!

The Anatomy of a Transition Configuration 🧬

Here’s the basic structure of an SSGOI transition configuration:

const config = createTransitionConfig({
  transitions: [
      from: string | string[],
      to: string | string[],
      transitions: TransitionFunction | TransitionObject,
      symmetric?: boolean
    // ... more transition rules
  defaultTransition: TransitionFunction | TransitionObject

Let’s break this down:

  • from and to: Define the routes for which this transition applies.
  • transitions: The transition effect to use.
  • symmetric: If true, the same transition is used in both directions.
  • defaultTransition: Applied when no specific rule matches.

Route Matching: Playing Transition Matchmaker 💘

SSGOI uses a smart matching system for routes:

  • Exact matches take priority: /about will match exactly /about.
  • Use wildcards for flexibility: /blog/* matches any route starting with /blog/.
  • Parameter matching: /user/:id matches routes like /user/123.


  from: '/blog',
  to: '/blog/:id',
  transitions: transitions.slide()

This rule applies a slide transition when moving from the blog list to a specific blog post.

Dynamic Transitions: Transitions with a Brain 🧠

Want your transitions to adapt on the fly? Use a function!

  from: '*',
  to: '*',
  transitions: (from, to) => {
    return to.path.includes('error') ? transitions.shake() : transitions.fade();

This applies a shake transition to error pages and a fade transition to everything else.

Transition Parameters: Fine-tuning Your Magic ✨

Most transitions accept parameters for customization:

transitions.fade({ duration: 300, easing: cubicInOut })

Common parameters include:

  • duration: Length of the transition in milliseconds.
  • easing: A function defining the rate of change over time.

Putting It All Together: A Grand Transition Symphony 🎭

Here’s an example of a more complex configuration:

import { createTransitionConfig, transitions } from 'ssgoi';

const config = createTransitionConfig({
  transitions: [
      from: '/',
      to: '/about',
      transitions: transitions.fade({ duration: 500 }),
      from: '/blog',
      to: '/blog/:id',
      transitions: (from, to) => {
        return from.path === '/blog' 
          ? transitions.slideRight() 
          : transitions.slideLeft();
      from: '*',
      to: '/error',
      transitions: transitions.shake()
  defaultTransition: transitions.fade()

export default config;

This configuration creates a harmonious flow throughout your app, with custom transitions for specific routes and a fallback for everything else.

Remember, with great transition power comes great UX responsibility. Use these tools wisely to create a smooth, intuitive navigation experience for your users! 🚀✨